Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy 2009!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

December 18, 2008

Lars becomes a Canine Good Citizen!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Nov. 16, 2008

Izzie finishes her CDX title!
Izzie earns her Canadian Tracking Dog title!!

Reeves earns his first CDX leg!!!

Jada wins Winner's Bitch in Syracuse, NY!!

Jetta earns two more Open legs and two RAE2 legs all with placements and HSRIT!!

Kozak earns his first RAE leg with placements!!

Kia finishes her Rally Novice title!!

Friends Festus and Evie earn Rally Advanced legs!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nov. 8 & 9, 2008

Jada takes Winner's Bitch two days at Fitchburg, MA.!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nov. 1, 2008

Jetta, Kozak, Kia, and friends Evie and Festus the Corgi pass the American Temperament Test!!!

Oct. 30, 2008

Luna becomes a Canine Good Citizen!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oct. 26, 2008

Izzie earns leg #2 of her CDX with a second place!!!
Jerome earns leg #1 of his AX title with a 2nd place!!!
Oct. 25, 2008

Jada (pictured) and Rommel earn the first legs of their HTAD1 titles! Rommel with a 3rd Place!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oct. 19, 2008

Jerome completes his OAJ and earns his 2nd XF leg!!

Juna completes her OF title and earns her first AXJ leg!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oct. 11, 2008

Jetta earns leg #5 of her MXJ title and 8 more MACH points!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oct. 4, 2008

Loca becomes an AKC Canine Good Citizen!!

September Wine Country Circuit

Jetta finishes her AKC CDX with all BLUES and also earns the AKC VCD2 title! She also finishes her Excellent FAST title and her 4th MXJ leg with MACH points!! Add legs 3 and 4 of her RAE2 title with placements!

Jerome finishes his OPEN FAST and OPEN Standard titles PLUS 2 OAJ legs and one XF leg all with placements!!!!

Jada goes WINNERS BITCH for another point!!

Joy earns two Rally Novice legs!!

Stella earns her first Rally Advanced leg with a 3rd place and two Novice FAST legs with BLUES!!!

Addie earns her two AJP legs with BLUES!!!

Evie earns her first Rally Advanced leg with a placement!!

Lyta and Lola pass the CERF!!!

Sept. 21, 2008

Kora and Jetta pass the Therapy Dog International test!!!
Lyta becomes an AKC Canine Good Citizen!

Sept. 13, 2008

Juna finishes her OAJ title making her an AKC VCD2!!!!!!
Jerome earns his 2nd Akc Open FAST legwith a BLUE!!!
Kelvin earnes his first NAJ leg with a BLUE ribbon!!

Sept. 11, 2008

Jetta earns her 2nd CDX leg with a first and a HIGH IN TRIAL!!!!!! She also earns leg 3 of her RAE2 with all BLUES!!

Sept 8, 2008

Izzie qualifies for her first CDX leg!!
Jetta earns her leg 1 of her RAE2 title with placements!!
Jerome earns an AKC OA leg with a BLUE!! and an Open FAST leg with a second place!!

Sept. 6, 2008

Kelvin earns his first NA leg with a 2nd placement!!!

Sept. 1, 2008

Jerome qualifies in his first USDAA jumpers and pairs classes wth placements!!

August 24, 2008

Juna earns her 3rd and 4th UDX legs and her first AKC OTCH point!!!