Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 12, 2009

Luna wraps up the year by completing her RA title!!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 6, 2009

Giant Congratulations to these outstanding teams.....

LOLA and Juanita Myers!!!!

JOY and Janet Bender!!!!!

LORENZ and Lisa Kramer!!!!!

Lola earns her ASCA CD in three straight trials with all 3rd placements in large classes...196.5, 191, 192.2!!!

JOY makes her obedience debut in ASCA Nov B and comes home with a 1st place 195 and HIGH IN TRIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lorenz aces his Tracking Dog Excellent Test!!!! (TDX)
The Golden Wonder strikes again!!!!