Looking back at 2010...I thank God for another successful year with our Deerwood Family.
The year brought us....
...VICTORY with the many titles and achievements.....
...JOY with the addition of Our Deerwood N Litter ....
..and SORROW as we tearfully said our last good-byes to three of our beloved and cherished companions Izzie, Harlo, and Stella.
Congratulations to ALL!!!! (we'll start from the youngest litter and work our way up...:)
Christy and MONTAGUE~RN...every leg a placement!,CGC,TDI
Catherine and LUNABELLA~ V-1 Rating, American CH, CD( in 3 straight shows with placements!!),BN, and RE. LunaBella is Deerwood's third champion and first female champion!Luna's Championship quest was remarkable as many of her points came while being owner handled by Catherine!! Luna also managed several Best Of Opposite wins, Best Of Beed wins and even a GROUP 4 win!!! She ended the year winning a Grand Champion major owner handled! LunaBella was also awarded the Golden State Rottweiler Club Bronze Achievement Award and is eligible for the Colonial Rottweiler Club Bronze Achievement Award!!!
Lisa and LORENZ~ earned his CD title, placed first in the American Bred Class at the ARC Nationals and are very close to completing titles that have been started. Most of all...this team has spent the majority of 2010 laying a solid foundation for stellar achievements in 2011!
Juanita and LOLA~ earned both American and Canadian Tracking titles along with a CD and have managed to stay in the ARC Top Ten for Rally. Lola also started a very promising career in weight pulling and in the AKC breed ring! Lola is also Colonial Rottweiler Club Bronze Achievement Award eligible!
Cris and LARS ~in Rally, Lars completed his AKC Rally Excellent title(all placements); his ADPT Rally Level 1 and 2 (both with Awards of Excellence!) ; UKC Rally Level 1 title; AKC Herding Instinct Certificate; ATTS Temperament Test; and Therapy Dog International Certified! Lars also made his GIMME FUEL, GIMME FIRE debut in the agility arena earning legs in both AKC and NADAC! Lars is living up to his name...The POCKET ROCKET!
Mj and LEVI~ earned the JHD herding title along with his AKC Rally Novice title!! Mj insists that her "Sugah Bear's" greatest accomplishment thus far and forever has been his loving representation of the Rottweiler breed! With that, Levi passed his CGC and cuddled and schmoozed his way to the Therapy Dog International Certification! Levi made a Sugah Coated debut in the AKC Breed ring where his future not only looks bright...but VERY SWEET too!
Pauline and LYTA~eaned the American Rally Advanced title and the Canadian Rally Novice and Rally Advanced titles....all with placements!! Lyta also starts a working career with Cookie as her new partner...together they are making waves in agility class! Cookie and Lyta will be DYNOMITE in 2011!
Lesley and KELVIN~ together they had a RAZZLING-DAZZLING year in agility earning their OA,OAJ, and AXJ titles with placements all the way!!! They have also earned some MXJ and AX legs to ease into the new year. Together they debuted in AKC Rally Novice and did an amazing job together "dancing" their way to a new RN title with placements!! Kelvin also passed the American Temperament Test! Lesley continues to wow us all with her photography talents...not only with the sweet and happy face of the handsome Kelvin but also with many of his handsome relatives ! AND......what a pleasure to see their names on the ARC Top Ten Agility list!
Pauline, Ana, and KOZAK~ with the expert handling of Cindy Earich, Kozak completed his American Championship with 4 majors.. and became Deerwood's second Champion!! He ended his career with Grand Champion points! Kozak also earned his CD, U-CD, BH, AD, and RAE titles ALL with placements! Kozak is now eligible for the CRC Silver Achievement Award and remains in the ARC Top Ten Rally list!
Pauline and KORA KaBOOM! ~ earned the American RE title and the Canadian RN title..all with placements!!
The K Litter's talents and beauty have made their most happy mom Addielle ( U/CD Galory's Believe In a Dream, CDX, RE, OAP, AJP ,CGC, TDI, HIT Winner) eligible for the ARC BRONZE DAM PRODUCTION AWARD!!!
Addielle is also eligible for the ARC Versatilty Award!
Lisa and JUNA ~ Juna is the first Deerwood to earn the new AKC Versatility title(VER)!!! Juna also completes her AX agility title and adds on Master legs as well as closing in on her UDX2 title along with OTCH and MACH points!
Karen and JEROME ~ Jerome has another stellar agility year earning his AKC MX,MXJ, and MXF titles...along with a very impressive 410 points with 5QQ's toward his MACH title! He also earned his USDAA PD3 title and became not only Deerwood's first to participate in the USDAA World Cynosport Games in KY but also the ONLY rottweiler to do so! He also managed to finish in the top 100 PVP teams! Jerome also earned the ARC Versatility and Versatility Excellent Awards and remains in the ARC Top Ten Agility rankings!
Janet and JOY ~ earned their CD title all legs with placements and many RAE legs earning them ARC Top Ten Rally and Obedience rankings!
Michele and JADA ~had a super agility year earning their OA, OAJ, OF, and AXJ titles with placements and rankings!! They also played in herding and earned the HSAs title! Jada also passed the American Temperament Test ! Jada is also eligible for the CRC Silver Achievement Award!!
Pauline and JETTABELLA ~ earned their MX title along with points toward the MACH title. In Canada, JettaBella earns her CDX, RA, RE, and AG.I titles...EVERY leg a placement! Jetta also plays in UKC obedience and earns a HIGH IN TRIAL!! Jetta ends the year with bringing us the beautiful Deerwood N litter of 8 Jett-A-Tomic N'Gins!!! Once again, Jetta proves to excel in all arenas! Jetta's first litter ,the talented and beautiful L Ninos, have done a most remarkable earning AKC titles and have made both their parents ARC BRONZE Production Award eligible!!
Elizabeth an STELLA ~ earned legs toward their RAE title along with the OAP,OAJ, OFP, and XFP agility titles.
Michele and ROMMEL ~ earn the AKC agility titles NAP, NJP, and NFP!!! In herding they earn the Herding Trial Arena Dog II title! In obedience they earn the AKC CDX title!! To finish off the wonderful year, Rommel sails through the American Temperament Test with flying colors!!!Rommel is eligible for the CRC Silver Achievement Award along with the ARC Versatility Award!
The I litters accomplishments have made their dam Gabbie (U/CDX Deerwood's Gabrielle Angel, CDX,OA,AXJ,AG.N,RAE,CGC,TT,TDI,VX,CRC GOLD) eligible for the ARC SILVER DAM PRODUCTION AWARD!!!
In the H and G litters.....our retirees Reeves, Gannon, and Gia enjoy another year as happy seniors!!
Our 2010 Title Tally....
2) American Champion : Kozak, LunaBella
1)V-1 Rating: LunaBella
1) BN: LunaBella
4) CD: JOY, Kozak, Lorenz, Lola, LunaBella
1)CDX: Rommel
1) Canadian CDX: JettaBELLA
1) UKC CD: Kozak
1) AKC Versatility:Juna
3) RN: Kelvin, Levi, Montague
2) RE: LunaBella, Kora KaBOOM!
1) RAE: Kozak
2) Canadian RN: Kora KaBOOM, Lyta
2) Canadian RA: JettaBella, Lyta
1) Canadian RE: JettaBella
1) APDT Level 1: Lars
1)APDT level 2 : Lars
1) UKC Rally Level 1: Lars
1) HSAs: Jada
1) HTADII: Rommel
1)JHD: Levi
1) HIC: Lars
1)NAP: Rommel
1) NJP: Rommel
1) NFP: Rommel
1)OAP: Stella
1)OJP: Stella
1) OFP:Stella
2)OA: Jada, Kelvin
2)OAJ: Jada, Kelvin
2) OF: Jada, Kelvin
1) AX: Juna
1) AXJ: Jada, Kelvin
2) MX: JettaBella, Jerome
1) MXJ: Jerome
1)MXF: Jerome
1)AG.I: JettaBella
1)USDAA PD3: Jerome
1) American TD: Lola
1)Canadian TD:Lola
1) AD: Kozak
1)BH: Kozak
2) ARC Bronze Dams: Addielle, JettaBella
1) ARC Silver Dam: Gabrielle
2)CRC BRONZE Achievement Awards: LunaBella,Lola,
3) CRC SILVER Achievement Awards: Rommel, Kozak, Jada,
1) CRC GOLD Achievement Award: Kora KaBOOM!
1)ARC Versatility Award: Rommel, Addielle,Jerome
1)ARC Versatility Excellent: Jerome