Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sept. 19, 2009

Juna completes her UDX title!!!!!! She is the first Deerwood dog to hold such a prestigious title....but hopefully not the last!! Bravo Juna and lisa Kramer!!!

Jerome is Deerwood's very first official WATER-STAR!!!!
He earned his...
~Team Swim Certificate
~Novice Retrieve 60'
~Novice Underwater Retrieve
~Novice Handler Tow
~Towing of floatation device parrallel to shore 50' Team Swim Certificate
Good work Jerome and Karen!!!

Kozak is Winner's Dog in PA for another point!!!

Rommel earns his first HRD leg with a second place!! AND....he completes his HTAD with a BLUE and a Reserved High In Trial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo Michele and Rommel!!!!!!!!

Lyta passes the Therapy Dog International test!!!
Kia becomes a Canine Good Citizen and a TDI dog!!!
Good buddy OSHA also becomes a Canine Good Citizen and a TDI dog!!

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