Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25, 2010

Deerwood has another amazing weekend!

JOY earns a CD bumper leg!
LOLA completes her CD title!!

STELLA earns an RAE leg with Perfect Scores and Placements!!

JOY earns an RAE leg with Perfect Scores and Placements!!
LUNA earns two RE legs!!

ROMMEL completes his NA title and has a glorious agility retirement party!!!
JETTA completes her MX and adds on 29 MACH pts!
KELVIN earns an OA leg with a PERFECT SCORE and a BLUE RIBBON and his first MXJ leg with a Placement and his first MACH POINTS!!!!!!:)
LARS shines at his first agility match !!!!

KOZAK wins back-to-back majors and finishes his AKC CHAMPIONSHIP with 4 majors!!!!

YES, what an AWESOME Deerwood weekend!!!

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